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The following two items I posted on Facebook in December, 2013:



Posted on December 23, 2013:  I don't know much about the Duck Dynasty TV show as we don't have cable, just an antenna on the roof, but when a TV star stands up & says what he believes about what the Bible says is true about sin, more power to him. If someone is offended by what he said because they are living that type of sinful lifestyle, they had better take notice, repent & ask God to forgive them of their sins, as they will have to answer to Him face to face someday & it may be sooner than they think. We need more prominent people to speak out against our sinful lifestyles. This country would be a much better place!


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Posted on December 31, 2013:  Helen & I have not been on Facebook very many months but I see a trend that I don't like & I know God hates & that is taking the Lord's name in vain, along with other offensive words. The third commandment states: "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain." In case you don't know what "in vain" means, it means "uselessly" or "to no avail." Taking the name of God in vain means to speak it irreverently, uselessly; because we're not really addressing Him. In the Old Testament, people were given the death penalty for speaking God's name irreverently. Using the initials OMG, JC, GD, etc. is the same as saying the complete words & God does not take breaking the third commandment lightly, or any of the other nine commandments for that matter. Whether you claim to be a Christian or not & you are continually taking His name in vain, you had better repent of your ways & ask God to forgive you. You will have to answer to Him face to face someday. I can guarantee we all will die sooner or later & we will be spending a whole lot more time in eternity than our time here on earth. You need to start making plans for eternity now. Once you die, it will be too late! "That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus & believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9


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By Paul Schilling


A lot of people are posting their political views on Facebook.  I personally don’t like to get involved in politics on Facebook.  One side will say things like anybody who votes for the other side is stupid or an idiot.  The other side comes back with something similar.  These kind of comments just make enemies and don’t accomplish anything.


When I was old enough to vote, many years ago, I said that I’m not voting for a party, but for the man.  After a few years I found myself always voting Republican.  Once I stopped to figure out why, I have always voted Republican.


I am a Christian and the moral values of the Democratic Party do not correspond with my Christian values and beliefs.  The number one issue is the debate on abortion.  I believe it is wrong to murder an unborn child.  I know the other side likes to call it a fetus and not an unborn child.  But the word fetus is the Latin word for “unborn child”.  That in itself is enough for me to never vote for a Democrat, but there are other moral reasons like homosexuality and taking the Ten Commandments out of public places, teaching Christian values in schools and the list goes on.  Voting for a Democrat would make me a hypocrite.  It would be like I claim to be a Christian and everything in the Bible to be true and then turn around and vote for Democrats that believe these immoral acts are ok.  It would be like I am just slapping God in the face.  I don’t know how anyone who claims to be a Christian could ever, with a clear conscience, vote for a Democrat.  It doesn’t make any sense to me, but I know some do.


If that isn’t enough, another issue is gun control.  I am a gun owner and a vote for a Democrat is a vote to take my gun rights away.  I own guns to hunt with and protect myself and family.  I would like to be able to own something with equal firepower as the bad guys have that may be shooting at me. 


I read somewhere a few years ago that there are, I believe, about 2700 gun laws on the books now.  What difference will one or two more make other than take away rights from honest gun owners.  The honest gun owners obey the laws, the bad guys don’t!!  They can’t enforce the gun laws on the books now, a few more won’t make a bit of difference.


One of the first things Hitler did was have all guns registered.  Then he knew where all of the guns were and went house to house taking their guns from their owners.  Once he had them disarmed, he had them in complete control.


The reason we have the Second Amendment is that our founding fathers wanted the people to be armed to protect themselves from a government like they left, in England, which forced everyone to go to the official Church of England, which I believe was The Anglican, and could not worship in any other church.  When the Democrats want to ban our guns, I wonder, what are THEY afraid of?


Be sure to vote!!  If you don’t, you don’t have any right to complain about what the government is doing.  Before you vote, be sure you get down on your knees and talk to God about it and let him lead you in your decision.


As I said in the beginning, I don’t want to get into any political arguments with anyone, so if you make any comments on what I have just written, I will not answer anything back.  These are my personal views and I just wanted to state them.  You have a right to your own personal views and I will respect them.


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Paul's Religious Page


(January 5, 2017)

By Paul Schilling

Well, we have a new Republican President-elect, Donald Trump, who will be sworn in as our 45th president on January 20th.  It was a big upset as everyone was expecting the Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, to win, hands down.  The people of the United States were obviously wanting a big change in the direction the country was going with the former Democratic president, Barak Obama and it would have continued on the same with Hillary.  The Republicans also control both the Senate and House, so there will obviously be a big turn-around. 


Now what we all need to do is keep praying for our new President and all of the other law makers in Washington.  We need to pray that God will lead and guide them in everything they do. 


Our relations with Israel have deteriorated over the last 8 years and Mr. Trump promises to improve relations with them and do everything we can to back them.  This is great news as Gods’ policy towards the Jewish people is found in Genesis 12:3:   “ I will bless those who bless you (Israel), and I will curse him who curses you (Israel), and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.  (words in parentheses are mine) 


If we stayed on the path that Obama has established with Israel, according to the Bible, we (the United States) will be cursed.  All down through history those countries that backed Israel have been blessed and those that have not, collapsed.  If we want to prosper as a country, I believe we absolutely must back Israel 100%.


I also believe we all need to pray for the people of this country as sin is running rampant and we need to get out of the cesspool we are in now.  The only way that will happen is if people will repent and turn to God.  If they do and we all support Israel, I believe that as President-elect Trump has been saying all along, “This country can be great again”.


I have never seen people react to an election as they have this year.  Those that voted for Hillary are crying and complaining to no end.  I know I was a little upset when President Obama was elected, especially for his second term.  I couldn’t understand why when polls showed 68% or so thought the country was going in the wrong direction, they re-elected him anyway.  I did complain some privately about it but I didn’t go on the Social Media and continually complain day after day and organize protests all over the country.  He was elected and there was really nothing anybody could do about it.  That’s the way a Democratic Republic works.  So I just accepted the fact and went on with my life.  I have never  seen so many that voted for the losing side carry on like babies as I have now after this election.  I have heard that some of them are even hoping President-elect Trump will fail.  That is the worst thing that could happen.  If he fails, our country fails.  I didn’t agree with most of President Obamas’ policies but I never hoped he would fail. 


We need to pray for these people and also that the newly elected officials in Washington and each individual state all succeed and they will pray for Gods’ guidance in everything they do.  I know if the people of this country would turn back to God, we will be great again!!


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